Monday, September 9, 2024

Slade Family Research

I have recently been doing some research on my Slade line, particularly because I found some errors and wanted to try to sort them out. So over the next few weeks there will be a number of posts about the Slade line as I try to resolve some issue.

Some time ago, I discovered through a search of PERSI, that there had been an article published in Family Tree Magazine from January 2013 on photo dating, and the example that they use was a wedding anniversary photo between a William Bridgen and a Mary Ann Slade. I was naturally curious because there is a Mary Ann Slade in my family tree. So, I requested the article.

As it turns out, however, I'm going to rule out this family as having a connection. The Mary Ann Slade in my tree was born much earlier (around 1824, rather than 1851) and married a William Morris, rather than a William Brigden. Mary Ann Slade could be a daughter of someone in the Slade family, but the article states that she was born in Somerset, and my Slade family does not have a connection to Somerset (as far as I am aware).

I did a quick search on Ancestry for a Mary Ann Slade born in 1851 in Somerset and there are more than one. One was born to a Robert and Anne Slade; another to a William and Mary Slade. Neither couple matches the names in my tree, so I'm going to file this as a different family.

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