He remarried in 1893, so her death would have been before then. Fortunately, with some creative keyword searching I eventually found the death notice (it had been indexed incorrectly):

She died 16 December 1888, according to the record.
So, that's half of the problem solved but now the next issue is finding a cemetery record. I can't find her in the Greenwood Cemetery listings, which is odd considering that Frederick is buried there and most of the rest of her family. As far as I can tell she lived her whole life in Owen Sound so it would only make sense that she was buried at Greenwood.
I can't find any obituaries or death notices that might give a clue.
So the next steps would be to continue looking for a death notice, and check the burial records for Greenwood and other cemeteries in the area to see if her name was indexed incorrectly
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