Recently, has added some Owen Sound papers to their collection and it has been very beneficial as it is has allowed me to find the full text articles to some things where I have previously only had the transcription. But a side benefit is that I have been able to find some other articles through searches that I would haven't likely been able to find otherwise.
One such example is an obituary of Jane Hardy from the Owen Sound Sun, 24 April 1917:
The article implies that she and William Miller were married in Meadowvale about 1856. I had previously found their marriage reistration record showing a date of 22 June 1857 in Wellington County. The marriage was performed by Matthew S. Grey.
So, the date of the marriage is confirmed, but the question is where did the marrige take place? The marriage register doesn't give a definite place of marriage, but can a news article written sixty years after the fact (and after both the husband and wife are deceased) be trusted to give accurate information?
The next step is to see if there are additional church records that might give some indication as to the location
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