According to a distant cousin who is researching the same tree, the date of the marriage was 5 December 1835. She did not give me a source for this date however, and she has since passed away and so I don't know where she found the date. The date does fit with the timeline, in that George and Amelia's first child would have been born 7 October 1836, and George's last child from his previous wife would have been born around 1834. So, the date does make sense, but where did it come from?
Another question is where the marriage took place. On Ancestry, a number of people have recorded the marriage date as 5 December 1835 (presumably that information has been copied from one source, possibly even mine) but some list the marriage location as Cardinal, Ontario (formerly Edwardsburgh) and others have listed it as having took place in Toronto. Either place is entirely feasible as Amelia Grant Munro came from Edwardsburgh and George Miller would have likely been living in Toronto Township at the time. It's not entirely clear how they would have met, although there seems to be some evidence that members of the Munro family were living in Toronto and Halton region around that time. So the marriage could have taken place in Edwardsburg, Toronto Township, Nelson (if they were still living there at the time) or Toronto (as people often got married in Toronto at the time).
Since I will likely need to look for church records for this X-File, another question is under what religion would the marriage have been conducted? Both George and Amelia were definitely Wesleyan Methodist later on, although according to George's obituary he converted at some point.
Next steps:
- Check early Ontario marriage records for Eastern Ontario locations
- Check church records for early Toronto Township
- Check newspaper records for the time
- Check obituaries for George Miller and Amelia Grant Munro
- Check newspapers in later years for wedding anniversary notices
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