Monday, August 23, 2021

George Hardy and Mary Buckton

I've written previously about the Trafalgar Hardy Letter as well as some of the other Hardy gravestones in Mississauga. All of the Hardy surname connections seem to be tied to George Hardy and Mary Buckton, who originated from Yorkshire in the UK. Which caught my interest because my Hardy family also comes from Yorkshire.

I did manage to find the marriage record for George Hardy and Mary Buckton:

Interesting that one of the witnesses is named Hannah Hardy. This one had me wondering if there was a connection to my Hardy family, and that the Hannah Hardy witness was the same Hannah Hardy who was the mother of Lancelot Hardy.

But on further examination, I'm not so sure that there is a connection, or at least not an obvious one. George Hardy seems to have come from a different location in Yorkshire than the rest of the Hardy family and I have not been able to find a definite connection between the two Hardy families. Hardy seems to have been a fairly common name in Yorkshire, and so, it's entire plausible that the Hannah Hardy as a witness would have been a different person. Hannah, the mother of Lancelot Hardy would have been in her sixties at the time of the marriage.

And so, with no definite connection found at this point, I'm going to chalk this up to a coincidence that the two Hardy families wound up in approximately the same area.

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