Monday, December 14, 2020

X00315: Amy S. Williams' Marriage Witnesses

I've found the marriage record for Amy S. Williams and William Gaskill, from 19 February 1901. It was a little surprising to find because the marriage took place in Globe, Gila, Arizona. To this point, i have not been able to find out why Amy Williams was in Arizona, or the US, for that matter.

One thing of interest in the marriage record is that the minister performing the ceremony was an F.S. Eastman, and the witnesses were a B. Eastman and an S.C. Eastman. Amy S. Williams had a sister-in-law, Maude Alfreda Eastman. Maude's parents were Benjamin Eastman and Sarah Alfreda. Could they have been the B. and S.C. Eastman? And they had a son named Fred S. Eastman. Could he have been the F.S. Eastman who performed the ceremony? And also, what were they doing in Arizona?

Perhaps, if the witnesses and minister are the in-laws, this might lead to an explanation as to why Amy Williams was in Arizona at the time.

Next steps: Research the timelines for the Eastman family to see if they could have been in Arizona at the time.

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