Monday, September 30, 2024

X00365: Charles John Slade criminal record

As I continue to research my Slade family, I am working on X00365, which is to figure out what happened to Charles John Slade after 1841. The 1841 census is the last record that I have definitely found him in.

I have come across a number of hints on Ancestry that might be him. Quite a number of records hints have come through for prisoner records for Charles Slade, including prisoner transport to Australia. The records all seem to match the birth year (usually around 1827 or 1828). The name, however, is always given as Charles Slade, and not Charles John Slade.

I have come across the court summary of the trial:

Other than the age, there really isan't anything to connect the record back to Charles John Slade. For one thing, there is no connection to the location of the crime. As well, the record references a George Slade, and I have not come across anyone in the Slade family with the name of George thus far. So, with no definite details to go on, I'm going to conclude that this Charles Slade is a different Charles Slade unless I find some better evidence to connect them.

Monday, September 23, 2024

X00087: Mary Ann Slade Birth Correction

As mentioned previously, I have been trying to correct some information and try to solve some issues with my Slade family.

On the marriage certificate for William Slade and Emma Smith, it lists William Slade as a widower. I've been trying to find out more information about his first wife. The first clues are in the 1841 census.

You can see, William Slade and Emma Smith in the census, as well as their daughter Emma. There are two additional children, however, Mary Ann and Charles. Both children were born before William and Emma's marriage in 1839 and are therefore likely from the first marriage.

I managed to find a baptism record for Charles John Slade (born in 1827) and one for Mary Ann Slade:

This one, however, raised a number of concerns. First the baptism date of 1837 didn't match with the age in the census. As well, it's ten years after Charles was born, so there is quite a gap in time. As well, the occupation of smith for William Smith doesn't match, as William Slade shows as a clerk in almost all records. So I had another look and eventually found this record:

This one seems a better match.The baptism year is 1825, which better matches the census record, and is closer in time to the birth of Charles John Slade. Plus, William Slade is listed as a barrister's clerk which is consistent with other records. So this one makes far more sense.

As well, this gives a better idea of timing for finding further records. William Slade and Mary Ann likely married before 1825, and Mary Ann likely died shortly after 1827, unless there were other children born after Charles John.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Eden Cemetery, Toronto Township

An email arrived from Find A Grave with a photo request from Eden Cemetery which is close to where I live. So I thought I'd go and see if I could find the grave.

I have visited the cemetery before because there are some Miller headstones in the cemetery and my Miller family lived in Toronto Township for a time. There is, however, no connection between the Miller family in this cemetery (who came from Ireland) and my Miller family as far as I can tell.

It's a samll cemetery and very easy to cover the entire cemetery in a short period of time. So, I'm surprised that there were any gravestones there that were not photographed. As it turns out, there was. I wasn't able to find the gravestone requested, but I did find a stone with the name Rosalind on it (last name could not be read). Rosalind died in April of 1860.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Slade Family Research

I have recently been doing some research on my Slade line, particularly because I found some errors and wanted to try to sort them out. So over the next few weeks there will be a number of posts about the Slade line as I try to resolve some issue.

Some time ago, I discovered through a search of PERSI, that there had been an article published in Family Tree Magazine from January 2013 on photo dating, and the example that they use was a wedding anniversary photo between a William Bridgen and a Mary Ann Slade. I was naturally curious because there is a Mary Ann Slade in my family tree. So, I requested the article.

As it turns out, however, I'm going to rule out this family as having a connection. The Mary Ann Slade in my tree was born much earlier (around 1824, rather than 1851) and married a William Morris, rather than a William Brigden. Mary Ann Slade could be a daughter of someone in the Slade family, but the article states that she was born in Somerset, and my Slade family does not have a connection to Somerset (as far as I am aware).

I did a quick search on Ancestry for a Mary Ann Slade born in 1851 in Somerset and there are more than one. One was born to a Robert and Anne Slade; another to a William and Mary Slade. Neither couple matches the names in my tree, so I'm going to file this as a different family.

Monday, June 3, 2024

X00278 Other Doritty Surname Records - Solved!

The other day I went through a number of other Doritty records that I had found to see if they were connected to my Doritty family or if I could rule them out.

The first that I found was a marriage record for a Lewis Dorrity in 1840:

I don't have anyone named Lewis in my tree, so I had a look at later census records for a Lewis Dorrity (or variant spelling). I only found an individual in 1871, widower, who had an age that would have matched, but who was African in background. So, it would appear to not be a connection and I haven't found anything else to link the record to the rest of the Doritty family.

Next, I found this record in Ontario Marriage Notices:

The name uses a different spelling, of course, and there is no connection to the names or locations, so I'm going to rule out this one as a connection as well.

Next there were these two findings:

Francis Early Doritty is the son of Frederick Doritty and Laura Lamondie. While there is a Frederick Doritty in my tree, there is no connection to a James Doritty. And with the variant spellings, and different location, I'm prepared to say that this is not a connection to my family - or if it is, it is a distant connection.

Monday, May 27, 2024

X00364 Maggie Doritty Timeline - Solved!

A number of years ago, when I was searching for records with the Doritty surname, I came across this gravestone record for a Margaret Doritty Taylor (1867-1936):

The location is St. Mark's Cemetery in Niagara and since the Doritty family lived in Niagara and a few of them are buried in St. Mark's cemetery, I figured that it is very likely that she is connected. But I was not able to find a record between a Margaret Doritty and a Charles Taylor.

I had a look at the Doritty names in my tree and and the only potential candidate was a Maggie Doritty born about 1868, Daughter of James Doritty and Mary Grace Gouland. But I had her marrying an Arthur J. Peppiatt in 1888, so I wasn't sure if this was the same one or not.

I found Dr. Charles Taylor and Maggie Taylor in the 1931 and 1921 Canadian Censuses, living in Toronto and him working as a physician. I did eventually manage to come across this news item from 1936:

Which not only links her to Dr. Charles J. Taylor, but also to the rest of the Doritty family. So it's definitely the same one. So, that mystery is solved although I still don't know what happened to Arthur J. Peppiatt or when Maggie Doritty married Dr. Charles J. Taylor. I found a border crossing record from 1918 where she is listed as Maggie Peppiatt, and she appears to be married to Charles Taylor in the 1921 census, so it was between 1918 and 1921 when she remarried. But that is a mystery for another day.

Monday, February 12, 2024

X00286 Burial Record for Eva Wilkinson - Solved!

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but there have been some new releases that have come out since my last post. In particular, the Ontario Death Registrations for 1949 have been released. Among other things, I was able to find the death registration for Evangeline Louise Madden Wilkinson (1883-1949).

I had already know that she was buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto through Find a Grave, but the death registration confirmed it.

I found the plot number through the Toronto Trust website and then went to Family Search to search for the burial records for that plot and was able to get the burial record

In addition I was able to verify other names as well for that plot.